Frequently Asked Questions

Still having queries, Feel free to contact us on +91 99151-54028

  • How do you train Clients?

    We offer diverse training options to help clients reach their goals and enhance skills, with three models to cater to different learning styles and preferences: Personal Coaching for one-on-one attention, Virtual Training for online convenience, and In-Home Services for a personalized, intimate experience.

  • How do you Coach Personally?

    We provide personalized virtual fitness training by conducting a complete assessment of each trainee to understand their specific needs and design customized Workout and Nutrition Plans. With detailed daily plans, real-time progress tracking, and weekly follow-ups, our trainees receive continuous support and guidance to achieve their fitness goals. And in case of any emergency, trainees can easily reach out to their coach through WhatsApp or call.

  • Are diets Plans are complex and difficult to follow?

    We provide individualized nutrition support by customizing our approach to each client's unique lifestyle, routines, and food preferences. Rather than prescriptive diet plans, we focus on modifying eating habits to fit within each client's calorie needs and incorporate their favorite foods. This way, clients can achieve their nutrition goals while still enjoying the foods they love.

  • Can I Lose Weight without going to the gym?

    At our company, we understand that weight loss isn't the sole reason why individuals train, and equipment availability doesn't dictate their fitness journey. That's why we design personalized training and nutrition plans based on each client's individual needs, resources, and goals. With the right guidance from our experienced coaches, anyone can achieve their weight loss or fitness objectives, regardless of their training environment.

  • Why do we charge more than other famous Trainers?

    We firmly believe in the power of customization and continuous improvement in achieving fitness goals. Unlike a one-size-fits-all approach, we design unique training and nutrition plans for each client, regularly updating them based on progress and individual needs. While this may require more time and resources, we believe that investing in your fitness is worth it and is one of the most valuable investments you can make in life.

  • I have never Exercised before, where do I begin?

    We are dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fitness goals, and that starts with a strong foundation. When you join our program, you can expect a comprehensive fitness assessment to determine your current fitness level and medical history, providing us with the information we need to create a customized and progressive training plan. With our guidance and support, you will start at the appropriate level and gradually build your fitness, reaching your optimum health and wellness in no time.

  • How much weight can I lose in a month?

    We take a proven scientific approach to weight loss. Simply put, you need to burn more calories than you consume to shed pounds. Our goal is to help you create a calorie deficit at a pace that's healthy and sustainable for you, whether that's losing 1kg or 10kg. Our customized plans take into account your individual needs and abilities, ensuring you reach your weight loss goals in the best way possible.

  • What types of exercise do I have to do to lose weight?

    We believe in a well-rounded approach to fitness. This involves a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, core work, and flexibility training. Our fitness plans are tailored to meet your specific goals, physical condition, and personal preferences. Some examples of activities we might include are walking, cycling, running, stair climbing, bodyweight exercises, light weight training, exercises for the mid-section and lower body, stretching, and more.

  • Is it possible to gain weight while exercising at home only?

    To build muscle, you need to focus on progressive resistance training and fueling your body with the right nutrients. Our training program is designed to target specific muscle groups and challenge them with increasing weight to stimulate growth. Additionally, our nutrition plan provides the necessary macronutrients and calories needed to support muscle development. With a combination of smart training and eating, you will achieve your muscle-building goals in no time!

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